บรรยากาศ HCI Journal Club เดือนเมษายน บทความเรื่อง Analysis of Dark Pattern-related Tweets from 2010 โดย ดร.มณีรัตน์ ชาติรังสรรค์ มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร

Article link: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10104855


Dark patterns are defined as user interfaces that make users behave unintendedly, such as buying something or subscribing to some services. The use of dark patterns is considered an infringement of users’ rights and privacy. In this study, we reveal the users’ responses toward dark patterns by analyzing 12 years of tweets. Our findings include 1) users in countries in which dark patterns-related regulations have been implemented have a higher level of discussions about dark patterns; 2) tweets about dark patterns shifted from around 2017 from sharing their diversity to acting to resist them; 3) the commonly discussed dark pattern types of tweets are sneaking, obstruction, and interface interference, which are widely used in e-commerce sites. Our findings may help policymakers and regulators to promote our more secure internet use.

🎓 About the Presenter:

Dr. Maneerut Chatrangsan is a Lecturer in Digital Business, Faculty of Business Economics and Communications, Naresuan University and a leading expert in Human-Computer Interaction, with a focus on user experience, ethics, and design. Her research has been widely recognized for its innovative contributions to the field, and we are honored to have her share her expertise with us.


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